Welcome to Kankule Mining

Kankule Mining and Engineering Company (KMEC) is located in the Mapatizya area in the Southern part of Zambia. The mine is led by a fully qualified Geologist, Mr. West Sikombe with a wealth of experience in mineral exploration and small to medium scale gemstone mining.

KMEC has been operating for over 30 years. Our operations have specialised on small scale amethyst mining with a focus on high grade stones.

KMEC boasts of having a variety of amethyst. We can produce all grades of material on request. Light coloured and dark coloured clean amethyst is available in abundance. In addition, we have the ability to produce and supply bulk orders of small, medium, large Zebra “chevron” amethyst.

We are currently one of the very few Zambian amethyst mines consistent in the quality of the material we produce. Our new mission is to continue to establish ourselves as a major player in intermediate mining capable of producing 30-50 tonnes per month.

We also source and supply various other gemstones, checkout our Products page. for more info.


KMEC is a family run business led by Mr West B. Sikombe, established in 1986.


He is assisted by his two sons, Kombatende Sikombe and Mizengo Sikombe.


The KMEC Mining process

  • Open pit
  • Extraction
    of materials
  • Refill pit with
    over burden
  • Grading
    Sorting cleaning
    weighting -
  • Transporting
    and storage
  • Presentation
    and packaging
  • Sales and
  • Logistics and